Continuous Open Bidding - COB

"COB" is short for Continuous Open Bidding, a form of informal recruitment that sorority chapters can participate in at any time outside of primary recruitment which ASU hosts in the Fall. COB can occur after primary recruitment and in the Spring Semester. Not every sorority on campus will participate in COB. The Continuous Open Bidding process is much more laid back and you get to interact with the members in a comfortable environment.

  When and Where is COB held?

These informal events will look different for each organization. Sorority chapters might have one on one coffee dates, host a game night, roller skating, bowling, movie night or similar types of events. COB events are designed to be less structured than primary recruitment, which can allow you to speak with more chapter members.  Typically a small number of sororities may be able to recruit a limited number of women through the COB process after Primary Recruitment, if their chapter is below the campus total. This opportunity is not always guaranteed.

  Who is Eligible?

All Undergraduate Women who are ASU students  are eligible to participate as long as they meet 3 conditions…

They must meet the university’s minimum requirements:

  1. Enrolled as a student in good standing;

  2. They must have never been initiated into a National Panhellenic Conference sorority before;

  3. They must not have received a bid during the most recent Primary Recruitment and later turned it down.

 How will sororities decide who they will invite?

There are several ways sororities might get names. They already have the registration materials of everyone who participated in recruitment from the previous formal recruitment. So, if you participated in recruitment but did not join, they have your information. A sorority will also poll its members to get ideas. An officer will announce that the chapter will be conducting COB and will ask if anyone already knows someone who might be interested. For this reason, it is important that you let your sorority friends know that you would be interested in learning more and maybe joining, should they conduct COB.

Interested in joining? Sign our interest forms below

  • Spring 2025 COB interest Form

    If you are interested in joining a chapter that might be hosting COB during the Spring 2025 semester, please fill out the link below.

  • Fall 2024 COB Interest Form

    If you are interested in joining a chapter that might be hosting COB during the Fall 2024 semester, please fill out the link below.