Junior Panhellenic is a leadership program for freshmen women in the Panhellenic community. The program is made up of two representatives from each chapter, appointed within each chapter. As a community, we come together to learn about supporting our organizations and pursuing continual leadership development.
The objective of Junior Panhellenic is to better equip our younger Panhellenic women with the spirit, friendship, and leadership experience they need to create a better community and succeed in future endeavors.
Run by the Vice President of Member Development, the representatives from each chapter get hands on experience through professional workshops, leadership growth seminars, and community outreach and service. We learn to build new relationships and bonds to create everlasting support and friendship within our growing community.
We believe that this leadership opportunity for our newest members will strengthen the community as a whole by promoting communications, providing professional growth, and striving to create a better community.
If you are interested in this opportunity, reach out to your chapters New Member Educator or to the Panhellenic Vice President of Member Development for further information.
Maddy, VP Member Development, asu.pha.vpmemberdevelopment@gmail.com